Management of Mineral Resource Extraction in Hoa Binh Province

A Contribution to Sustainable Development in Vietnam


Management der Gewinnung mineralischer Ressourcen in der Provinz Hoa Binh

Ein Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung in Vietnam

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Print Material

  • Project flyer [Download PDF]
  • Poster by VD-Office of BMBF/MoST [Download PDF]
  • Brochure by VD-Office of BMBF/MoST [Download PDF]

MAREX on Track

Final press release

  • Dec 2018: Umwelt-Monitoring, Bedarfsplanung, Kooperation – Strategien für umweltschonenden Bergbau in Vietnam [Download PDF]

Press release

  • May 2018: Bao Tai Nguyen [Resources Newspaper], online article on the final MAREX conference in Hoa Binh province [Download PDF]
  • May 2018: DoNRE press release – Final MAREX conference in Hoa Binh [Download, PDF]
  • May 2018: DoNRE press release – Training in planning of construction aggregates, business-policy-interface, monitoring software related to mining activities [Download PDF]
  • November 2017: DoNRE press release - Training in strategy and technology of sustainable mining [Download PDF]
  • November 2016: DoNRE press release - Workshop on executive board for action program of MAREX Alliance [Download PDF]
  • June 2016: IOER Press release on kick-off-workshop and conference in Dresden [Download PDF]
  • November 2015: DoNRE Press release on conference in Hoa Binh [Download PDF]
  • October 2015: BMBF Press release on project start [Download PDF]
  • October 2015: IOER Press release on project start [Download PDF]

Research partners

logo ioer   logo tu-dresden  logo tu dortmund   logo cue chemnitz  Logo IEA Vietnam  logo vietnam national university